Monday, June 19, 2006

Server Update; Dinner with Matt, Mike, and Louie

To explain what has been happening the past few days:

Web sites are "hosted" in two ways: shared, and dedicated.

"Shared" hosting means you're on the same server as many other web sites. You share the resources of one machine with many other customers.

"Dedicated" means you're on your own physical machine, with nobody else. You have all the resources of that one server to yourself.

For two and a half years, StandFirm has been on a shared server, doing about 1,500-2,500 visitors a day. Last Sunday, as GenCon began, our traffic started to increase. Monday was even bigger Tuesday was bigger still. By Friday and Saturday we were more than quadrupling our average weekday traffic. On Monday and Tuesday we were seeing 120-200 people online at once. Yesterday afternoon, we had 575 at one point.

Our statistics program finally gave out late last night and simply stopped reporting traffic - the digital equivalent of breaking your speedometer needle - but using a ratio of peak visits to total daily visits, I estimate we had over 17,000 visitors yesterday.

What happens when you have that kind of traffic is that you consume all the reources on your server, such that all the other sites you share it with come crashing down. I am told our traffic today caused the server to have to be rebooted 9 times, until our hosting company finally had enough and shut us down.

They are in the process of moving us to another server, where we'll be all by ourselves for the time being. I have not been told exactly when that might be finished. We will inform the usual suspects - Kendall, GenCon06, Drell, CTSix, and the AAC - the moment we're back online.

I have never seen two bloggers more upset by this than Matt and Sarah. They are like two Indy drivers suddenly forced to drive Yugos. I am trying to be serene in my frustration, but suffice it to say our hosting company and I are going to have some extremely interesting conversations over the next week or two. Right now, I'm focused on getting us back online and continuing our coverage of history in the making in the Episcopal Church.

Tonight at dinner with Matt and CaNN's Mike Daley, we talked about what we liked about our opponents in this debate. I have developed a soft spot for Caro Hall, a sweet, grandmotherly lesbian priest from New Zealand who's reporting for Integrity. Tonight after dinner we waved Louie Crew over and spent a long time talking to him about resolutions, voting, PB-Elect Schori, his health (getting better - Louie's a diabetic and has recently lost 60 pounds), and our respective web sites. Then we talked about how much we resent the fact that they have done such a great job at taking our disdain for their lifestyles and portraying it as a disdain for them personally. I'm sure they would insist that we've let our affection for them personally be obliterated by our disdain for their lifestyles.

Somewhere in all of that there is Christ, and I'm saddened that as we emerge from the ruins of this church, some will find Him, and some will not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »

10:03 PM  

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